
Baby Fighting Sleep?

Why Is My Baby Having A Hard Time Sleeping?

September 19, 20242 min read

5 Common Reasons Your Baby Isn't Sleeping:

Is your baby struggling to catch some Z's? It's a common concern for many new parents. Understanding the reasons behind your baby's sleep troubles can help you address the issue and promote better sleep. Here are five common factors that might be affecting your baby's sleep:

1. Unmet Needs

  • Hunger: Ensure your baby is getting enough age-appropriate feedings throughout the day and before bedtime. Even slight hunger can disrupt sleep.

  • Discomfort: Check for a dirty diaper, wet clothes, teething pain, or an uncomfortable sleep environment (too hot, too cold, etc.).

2. Environment

  • Light leaks: Make sure the sleep space is dark or dimly lit. Light signals the brain that it's time to be awake.

  • Noise disruptions: Consider using a white noise machine to mask background sounds that might startle your baby.

  • Temperature troubles: Aim for a cool room temperature, around 68-72°F (20-22°C). Use breathable fabrics for bedding and clothes.

3. Routines

  • Inconsistent schedule: Create a predictable bedtime and nap routine, including calming activities like cuddling, singing, or a warm bath.

4. Developmental Milestones

  • Growth spurts and leaps: Be patient during these times as sleep patterns might be temporarily disrupted. Stick to your little one's routine as much as possible.

  • New skills: Learning to roll, crawl, or walk can be exciting and keep your baby up at night. Provide lots of opportunities to practice these skills during the day.

5. Underlying Medical Concerns

  • While less common, sometimes sleep problems can be a sign of an underlying medical condition like reflux, ear infections, or allergies. Consult your pediatrician if you suspect an underlying issue.

Remember, consistency is key. By addressing these common factors, you can create a sleep-friendly environment and help your baby develop healthy sleep habits. If you're still struggling, don't hesitate to seek advice from your pediatrician or reach out to me ([email protected]) to schedule a 30 minute Sweet Dreams Starter Call so we can take a deeper dive into what might be going on sleep wise with your little one.

Yours in sleep,

Tracie / Rest Well Baby

Tracie Kesatie is a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach dedicated to helping families with little ones 0-10 years of age achieve a restful night's sleep.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician for any concerns about your child's health.

Tracie Kesatie

Certified Gentle Sleep Coach

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