
Sleepy Cues For Baby

How Can I Tell If My Baby Is Tired

January 09, 20253 min read

Is My Baby Tired? Recognizing Those Sleepy Cues

As a certified pediatric sleep coach, I often get asked, "How do I know when my baby is tired?" It can be tricky, as babies don't always communicate their sleep needs in obvious ways. But with a little observation, you can learn to recognize those subtle cues that signal your little one is ready for a nap or bedtime.

Early Signs of Tiredness:

  • Rubbing eyes: This is a classic sign! Babies will often rub their eyes with their fists as they start to get tired.

  • Yawning: Of course, yawning is a universal sign of tiredness.

  • Pulling at ears: Some babies may pull at their ears when they're feeling overstimulated and need a break.

  • Grabbing at their face: This can include sucking on hands, fingers, or even clothes.

  • Frowning or grimacing: Babies can look fussy or unhappy when they're tired.

  • Loss of interest: If your baby suddenly loses interest in playing or interacting with you, it could be a sign they need a nap.

  • Increased fussiness: Babies can become increasingly fussy and irritable when they're overtired.

  • Tired eyes: Some babies get red/pink along their lash line or by their eyebrows when they are tired and need to sleep.

Later Signs of Tiredness:

  • Crying: If you wait too long to put your baby down for a nap, they may become overtired and start to cry.

  • Arching back: This is a strong indicator that your baby is overtired and uncomfortable.

  • Difficulty settling: An overtired baby may have trouble falling asleep and may wake up frequently throughout the night.

Tips for Recognizing Tiredness Cues:

  • Observe your baby closely: Pay attention to your baby's behavior throughout the day.

  • Keep a sleep log: This can help you identify patterns in your baby's sleep and identify early signs of tiredness.

  • Trust your instincts: As a parent, you know your baby best. Trust your gut feeling when you think they might be tired.

  • Don't wait for a meltdown: It's always easier to put your baby down for a nap when they're starting to show early signs of tiredness. Waiting until they're overtired can make it much harder to get them to sleep.

Creating a Consistent Sleep Routine:

  • Establish a regular bedtime routine: A consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. This could include a warm bath, a massage, and a quiet story. You can do a modified version of the bedtime routine before nap too!  

  • Create a calming sleep environment: Make sure your baby's sleep environment is dark, quiet, and comfortable.

Remember: Every baby is different, and what works for one baby may not work for another. It may take some time to learn to recognize your baby's individual tiredness cues. Be patient and consistent, and you'll soon be a pro at knowing when your little one needs some shut-eye.

If you're struggling to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits, Book your 30 minute Sweet Dreams Starter call to learn how I can help your family get the gift of sleep.

Yours in sleep,

Tracie / Rest Well Baby

Tracie Kesatie is a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach dedicated to helping families with little ones 0-10 years of age achieve a restful night's sleep.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician for any concerns about your child's health.

Tracie Kesatie

Certified Gentle Sleep Coach

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